E-Governance – Revenue Augmentation - Urban
Revenue generation is one of the critical functions of ULBs to increase the efficiency of basic services provided to the citizens. Property Tax is the principal source of revenue for Urban Local Bodies in virtually every part of the world. In most cities in India, the property tax base has been considerably eroded by administrative and procedural inadequacies.
Revenue is not realized fully in most of the ULBs, as significant number of properties are not included in the tax base; those that are included are inaccurately assessed and hence the collection of property tax is inefficient.
We have proven methodology to include every house-hold into the tax base along with proper touch base (door to door) for quarterly and annual collection of taxes, fee and utility/user charges and to have an interface for MIS and data analysis. This not only significantly increase the revenue for ULBs but also reduces the operational and capital expenses of the ULBs.